Jaxsta One Sheet

Your Official Music Resume

Ross Newbauer

Ross Newbauer

195 Songs | 110 Releases | 2 Works


Mixer Producer Composer Lyricist Immersive Mix Engineer


Mixer Producer Composer Lyricist Immersive Mix Engineer


Ross Newbauer is a Los Angeles based mixer/producer. They like sunset drives, lox bagels in the morning, and have 27+ tattoos of dumb things on their arms. Engineering and mixing since age 13, Ross started in their childhood home’s basement with Ableton 7, Reason 4 and a few cheap mics. At 18, they graduated to running a studio in their hometown of Cleveland, OH, built in a refurbished, 115 year-old school gym. Here they were tracking everything from indie rock to trap. In his early twenties he engineered for accredited mixer Joe Zook, and together worked on music for artists such as AJR, Alessia Cara, OneRepublic, & more. Currently residing in Los Angeles, his studio is equipped with Dolby Atmos, a collection of outboard and mics, and a modular synth rig.

Known For



Liz Abramsohn - ABR MGMT

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